EndNote gives you the tools you need for searching, organizing and sharing your research. It allows you to easily create bibliographies while writing your next paper with features like Cite While You Write®. Maximize your time with features like finding full text for your references and automatically updating records. Whether you're on your desktop, online, or iPad, EndNote's syncing capabilities let you access all of your references, attachments, and groups from anywhere.
This download is for personal, non-managed devices (sign-in required).
Related information
- Using EndNote at ODU (a comprehensive user guide provided by ODU Libraries)
- EndNote user manual
Available to
- Faculty
- Students
- Staff
Where to get it
- Available for download above for personal, non-managed devices.
- On ODU-managed computers, download the software from the Company Portal (Windows) or Jamf Self Service (Mac).
- Available to access using the Monarch Virtual Environment (move.waki-aiai.net).
Platform requirements
- Windows
- macOS